The fond
«City "Heart for Orphans"»

The goals of the Heart City for Orphans ministry are to
To make it possible for families who want to take children into their families, to create the conditions for them to live.
The first and foremost goal of this ministry is to support the hands of those who fulfill the important commission of the Lord Jesus Christ: to care for the orphans of this world.
Not a few families stop to take a child orphan into their home because of the impossibility of having other children living in their home. That is why the goal of this project is to find funds to build inexpensive homes for families who are adapting children from orphanages into their families, so that the children can grow up without the damage that they have no family.
Participants and founders of the fund
- Petro Mikhailovich Petrescu (pastor)
- Savely Pavlovich Buck (pastor)
- Vyacheslav Avelovich Oleynik (pastor)
- Andriy Ivanovich Matviychuk (Director of the Heart for Orphans Mission)
- Andriy Vladimirovich Gavrilov
- Gennady Gavrilov (Pastor)
The fond « City Heart for Orphans» believes that there are many more good hearts than evil ones. But sometimes the wicked are more organized than the good. For this reason we want to rally our efforts to work on the wonderful project that God has revealed to us, so that, if possible, every city would have such a project for children who were born into this world, but were abandoned by their parents.
Thank God that there are wonderful families who are willing to accept such a child, and not just one, to share the joy and care of him or her.
But these people very often face domestic problems - where to place such a large family, how to feed them?
For this reason our goal is to support the hands of those who are ready to accept new orphans into their homes. We want to build for them inexpensive houses with improved heating, inexpensive to operate. And also that they have a separate room for spiritual meetings as well as a place for athletic competitions.
We want to support the hands of those who are orphans, and thereby Christ Himself, as He said, because God is not ashamed to call Himself "the father of orphans" Psalm 68:6

The purpose of our foundation is to build housing for families that adapt children from orphanages.
in Ukraine
As of December 31, 2018, 70491 children were registered with orphans and children deprived of parental care in Ukraine.
In family forms of education - 64,709 children (guardianship - 50,766, foster families and family-type orphanages - 13,943). There are no statistics on the age of orphans.